At Robison Family Dental, we prioritize your overall health as highly as we do your dental and oral health. With regular checkups and dental services, we work to stop infections and keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Sometimes, though, teeth must be extracted to protect your health, prevent damage to other teeth, or help you recover from an accident.
When needed, we offer professional tooth extraction services that save your smile and move you toward eating great food again as soon as possible.
Why Do Teeth Have to Be Extracted?
Some of the general reasons for tooth extraction include:
- Severe Tooth Decay: We may extract a tooth that has been so damaged by a bacterial infection that it can’t be repaired. In such a case, we stop the spread of bacteria by removing the tooth, which protects nearby teeth and gums.
- Accidental Tooth Breakage: Your tooth might have been hit in a car accident, sports impact, or other accident. If too much of the tooth is gone, a dental crown can’t be attached to it to restore it.
- Gum Disease: A severe bacterial infection in the gums is just as dangerous as in a tooth, leading to the destruction of the support systems for your teeth. A tooth in the area might become so damaged or loosened that it has to be extracted, and the patient would need gum disease treatment.
The best ways to avoid bacterial infection are regular dental checkups, brushing your teeth and flossing every day, and using other methods your dentist recommends, such as mouthwash.
You can’t plan for accidental tooth damage—beyond getting a custom mouthguard for sports—but at Robison Family Dental, we offer dental crowns, dental implants, and full-mouth rehabilitation services to restore your teeth afterward.
What About Wisdom Teeth Extractions?
Wisdom teeth are a slightly different case, but the principle is the same: we’ll extract wisdom teeth if your health will be improved by the procedure. We only recommend extraction when it’s a benefit to you.
The wisdom teeth are the final molars that grow in the very back of your teeth, usually coming in when you reach adulthood. They usually begin to emerge after your other teeth are in their final positions.
You might have had orthodontic work to get your smile, but wisdom teeth can disrupt your progress. Here are some of the conditions in which wisdom teeth are better taken out than left in:
- Crowded teeth: The wisdom teeth would push your other teeth out of position.
- Impacted wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth are growing into an obstacle, such as another tooth or your jawbone.
- Angled wisdom teeth: These wisdom teeth are growing at an angle that will eventually impact other teeth.
- Risk of infection: Often wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean, which increases the risk of cavities and infection.
During regular checkups, Dr. Robison will look over the scans of your wisdom teeth to catch any developing issues.
An Extraction Appointment
If you have an appointment to get a tooth extraction, what can you expect? As always, we’ll give you a warm welcome and help you get comfortable. Then, we’ll take you through these simple steps:
- Apply Anesthetic: Modern extractions are completely painless. Our anesthetics will keep you comfortable during the whole procedure.
- Extract the Tooth: We will efficiently extract the teeth with effective, high-tech tools.
- Allow for Healing: We’ll give you a list of tips, including diet and pain management techniques, to help you recover at home.
You may need someone with you to drive you home after your appointment.
Healthy Tooth Extraction in West Jordan, Utah
Remember, scheduling two dental checkups per year is one of the top ways to prevent tooth infection and catch wisdom teeth problems.
When an extraction is needed, Robison Family Dental has the experience and care to get it done right—while keeping your whole health in mind. Contact us today for an appointment.